Diageo - Edinburgh Upgrade
LA Media were commissioned to deliver 3 time-lapse videos to show the new Diageo - Edinburgh Upgrade. The first was to cover the exterior refurbishment, the second was to see the interior evolution taking place and the third was a stabilised walkthrough of the completed work.
The marketing team at Diageo aimed to use the material as a means by which they could keep Diageo staff around the world informed about how the upgrade was progressing and at the same time they wanted to use it to help them build a sense of excitement and anticipation among Diageo staff.
We made it possible for some key Diageo personal to use their mobile phones to show the time-lapse to others in real-time, which they found particularly useful as travelling often meant an update video was not available to be shared.
This film is the result of all the types of time-lapse that LA Media can offer to its clients. Fixed installations which covered exterior and interior developments. Several days of manned time-lapse were used to acquire specific details of the upgrade and finally the stabilised walkthrough of the premises just prior to occupation.
The entire project lasted 6 months and all the maintenance and monitoring were done remotely at LA Media's base in Edinburgh. The Diageo staff were great to work with and the construction staff were extremely accommodating at all times.