February 21, 2017

5 Reasons Why Video is so Important to Your Brand

So why video? Well, you know that old saying a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, now the picture has officially been replaced by the video. Facebook users alone watch 8 billion videos per day, that’s one reason that why video is considered one of the best marketing tools a company can have.

Video by LA Media 'Why Video is so Important'

Guess video did kill the radio star after all… however, the facts and figures don’t lie and the bottom line is that video is king. Cisco projects that global Internet traffic from videos will make up 80% of all internet traffic by 2019.

Whether it’s buying a product or trusting a company to deliver a service - people don’t like pushy pitches. They want information so they can make what feels like an informed decision.

Considering that YouTube reaches more 18+-year-olds during prime-time viewing hours than any cable TV network it is hard to ignore the value of video.

An engaging video is a versatile visual asset that can be used in so many ways to improve your brand. That is why in this blog we look at the five reasons why video is going to be a worthwhile asset to add to your company’s marketing strategy.

What video can do for you

1. Use video to improve your sales

Did you know that enjoyment of video ads increase purchase intent by 97 percent and brand association by 139 percent? Another study showed that marketers who used video grew their revenue 49% faster than non-video users.

A video is a great medium to deliver a clear concise message. Instead of asking your customers or stakeholders to read about you, you can show them why you are the top dog. Nowadays, your customers will probably wonder why you don’t have a video!

It has been estimated that at least 55% of people watch videos online every day. So if you don’t have a video online you are missing out on a sizable segment of the market.

According to a report published by Forrester, including video in an email leads to a whopping 200-300 percent increase in click-through rate.

2. Use video to improve your SEO

If you want to improve your website’s ranking then quality original content is key. A good regular blog, a frequently updated website, and a fresh snappy copy will all help to achieve this.

But ever since Google bought YouTube, a high-quality video has become critical for SEO rankings and converting prospects into customers. Websites with video tend to keep users engaged for longer. According to Unbounce by including a video on your homepage you can increase conversion rates by 20 percent or more.

Using visual assets can help improve your SEO


In fact, video boosts organic traffic by about 157% from search engines, prompts a 105% increase in time spent on a site, and leads to about 2X the number of conversions compared to a site with no video.

This benefit isn’t limited to your website. As we’ve mentioned this video is an asset! You can also share it via your various social media platforms. It will increase the impact and reach of your video and user engagement, all of which ultimately boost your SEO!

By creating your own YouTube channel and posting your video to your Google+ page you can increase your search engine bump by adding targeted keywords in your video title, tags, and descriptions. An added bonus is you won’t run the risk of being penalised by Google for duplicated content.

3. Extend your reach with a video!

Advertisers on prime-time broadcast TV could have reached 56% more 18-49-year olds by also advertising on YouTube.

Sharing is caring and you are more likely to get a user to share your content if it is a good video! Having a well-shared video or even a viral video is good for your brand.

Use social media to extend your brand reach


Research has shown that brand recall and brand association rose 7% among viewers who had been recommended a video versus viewers who found it by browsing.

A video is more likely to get you shares on social media! Social video generates more than 1,200% more shares than text and images alone.

4. Stand out in the crowd

 Cisco project that by 2020 every second, nearly a million minutes of video content will cross the network. Not only is it a powerful medium but you can use it as a tool to differentiate yourself from your competition. Your visual assets are important, they are your chance to showcase your unique company personality, culture, and brand ethos in a relatable way.

Your visual assets are important, they are your chance to showcase your unique company personality, culture, and brand ethos in a relatable way.

A memorable well-crafted video will give you stronger brand recognition than any text can.

According to NIELSEN Wire, 36 percent of online consumers trust video ads. But on the flip side, 61% of users say they have been put off buying a product after watching a bad explainer video.

Stand out from the crowd

This is why you need to get a great production team that understands your needs and delivers a final product that meets your brief.

Did you know that 85% of Facebook video is watched without sound? Your video will need to have excellent visuals and not depend too strongly on a soundtrack.

You should consider the use of some engaging subtitles so your content will be understood without sound too!

Videos need to be punchy and engaging from the moment they start.

5. Improve Communication

According to Animoto, 4 times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than reading about it.

Videos keep your audience interested, even during boring subject matter! This is why video is such a great tool. It makes complex content more relatable.

why video : it can improve communcation

And while well-written content is effective for many audiences, visual marketing is an even more powerful tool to increase interactions and actions.

After all, it takes less effort to watch a video than to read a text. In summation "We're entering this new golden age of video"  - Mark Zuckerberg on social media sharing and video.


We hope that this blog has been enlightening and will help inspire your next project. If you enjoyed this blog don’t forget to follow us on: TwitterFacebook, and Instagram for your daily dose of media & drone chat!

Visit our website lamedia.co.uk and if you have any questions, e-mail us at [email protected] or give us a call on 0131 622 0220