June 30, 2017

LA Media Creates Fun Animation for New Bounce It App

LA Media is very proud to be a part of the team bringing this new 'Bounce It' app to a phone near you! So you may be wondering "how exactly does one Bounce it? " Well, keep reading to find out...

Bounce It is a fun new social media app that is based on the theory of six degrees of separation. Basically, this is the notion that you can be linked to anyone in six steps or less. Excuse us while we figure out how we are six steps away from Beyonce....

 Video by LA Media "Bounce It App Video" 

So What is Bounce It?

Bounce It lets you bounce content from user to user. Using GPS the Bounce It app can track the path of your content as it travels around the world.

Users will also be set challenges when they sign up to the app, such as trying to get an image viewed on every continent in the world.


Image by LA Media 'Meet Pogo!' 


Leaderboards will show you and all your friends who create the most content, who has their content shared the most and who’s content travels the furthest. Every time your photo travels to a new country, you get that countries flag on your profile, so get collecting!

What Part Did We Play?

LA Media went to meet Bounce It’s creator, entrepreneur Jack Francis to find out exactly what the, as then unreleased, Bounce It app did.

We then proposed a creative treatment built around using existing brand elements to produce an animation.  That way we could create a Bounce It world to introduce this new way of sharing and tracking media.

The creative treatment principally involves bringing to life the character ‘Pogo’.  Even in a still form, we felt he had oodles of personality and was begging to be animated.

Bounce It App Logo Image

Image by LA Media ' Bounce It can track the path of your content as it travels around the world.'


We then looked at the icons and shapes that would populate Pogo’s world and determined his bouncing movement to reflect the idea of bouncing media and connecting people globally.

LA Media’s Creative Producer, Jude Lightbody scripted and storyboarded, working alongside our friends at Interference Pattern, to produce the animation.

Creating the Right Vibe

The music bed was fundamental to the animation - setting the tone it had to be positive, upbeat, friendly, fun, and full of energy.  Mike Jameson, LA Media’s editor, and composer composed and produced the music, and the final animation was brought back in-house to LA Media for voice-over, audio dub, and delivery.

Great fun and the app is now available on Google Play and the Apple Apps Store. So come on people - Share Your World, Track Your Journey!

See the full video now and let us know what you think!

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Visit our website lamedia.co.uk and if you have any questions, e-mail us at [email protected] or give us a call on 0131 622 0220