It is hard to deny the influence of YouTube in the world of video. YouTube has over a billion users - FYI that is almost one-third of all people on the internet! Some of the content is great and some of it is down-right annoying, so we've decided to add our ten pence to the mix. We're going to share with you our pick for the 5 best YouTube channels that are worth watching and maybe even subscribing to!

We've skipped the handy 'how to' and 'review' YouTube creators and excluded the mega-popular channels such as PewDiePie, Jenna Marbles, and that marmite of creators Buzzfeed. It may also be prudent to mention we've skipped out the 'weird part' of YouTube, think Doctor Pimple Popper and Annoying Orange. Our little selection is a touch off the beaten track but perfect for binge-watching, we hope you enjoy them.

1. Ask a Mortician

YouTube channel Ask a Mortician

Founded in October 2011, ‘Ask a Mortician’ was created by Los Angeles-based alternative mortician and best-selling author Caitlyn Doherty. The purpose of this channel is to answer all those weird questions you might have about death and the death industry.

Caitlyn is on a mission to help demystify the death industry and help sort facts from fiction when it comes to what happens to a body after it dies. More importantly, she is using her channel to actively engage people in a more death-positive conversation about the ritual that surrounds death.

With over 21,257,088 views and 293 k subscribers (accurate as of October 2017), it isn’t just a few morbid weirdos who are fascinated by Caitlyn’s refreshing approach to mortality. As her channel has evolved in popularity so has the quality of her videos and content but she has remained very authentic to her message.

Caitlyn is a refreshing change from the generic Zoey Zoella type of creators that litter YouTube these days, which is why we would recommend you give her channel a go, even if death isn’t your cup of tea.

Go for the curiosity and but stay for the kickass facts, death insights, iconic corpses, and quirky anecdotes.

2. 5ninthavenueproject

YouTube Channel 5ninthavenueproject

5ninthavenueproject is a channel with an abundance of videos shot by the late videographer Nelson Sullivan. Do you love the 80s? Are you mad for vloggers? This is the channel for you. Based in New York during the era of Andy Warhol and the emergence of the 'club scene', Nelson armed with his VHS portable camera filmed/vlogged his experiences of the rising drag queen scene, the club kids, and the general hedonistic vibe of the 80s in downtown NYC. His videos span between 1983 until his untimely death in 1989, at the young age of 40.

Why do we love these videos? Nelson captured the spirit of the era in these videos, it’s raw yet so watchable. When you consider the technology at his disposal you realise just how skilled Nelson was. The few times you see him with the weighty camera he has the poise and strength of a ballerina as he moves seamlessly through this vivid world.

In these videos, you will see a tenderly young Ru Paul, Andy Warhol, and the infamous Michael Alig who was later played by Maccualky Culkin in the movie Party Monster. Nelson captures events like Gay Pride, Wigstock, Outlaw Parties, The Stonewall marches, and much more. You'll find yourself utterly pulled into Nelson's world and really liking many of the colourful characters you meet. If you're feeling really weird you can even see the last video Nelson took on the day he died.

3. Allthemed Docs

YouTube Channel Allthemed Docs

On the AllthemedDocs channel, there is no persona, just lots of documentary uploads that you may struggle to find elsewhere. This channel is simply a brilliant free source to turn to when Netflix has run a little dry.

Here at LA Media, we love a good documentary, no seriously, we’re obsessed. From the mighty Romans to more modern documentaries such as ‘Our Food’ and Life 2.0, we love in-depth looks into all sorts of subjects.

It doesn’t matter the topic, it just has to be engaging well-filmed content. After all, fiction and shows are all fun and good but it is nice to learn something new and keep exerting that all-important grey brain matter.


YouTube Channel VICE

Well if we’re going to mention good sources for insightful programs we have to mention VICE, which is one of the best-known channels on our list. With 8.2M subscribers, you'll be in good company.

We'd recommend you check out The Rise of Acid Attacks in the UK, The Illegal Big Cats of Instagram, and The Mormon War on Porn. More than just food for thought.

Hit the shuffle play button and relax with a nice mug of tea and prepare to get intrigued and possibly enlightened. VICE is known for its out their ground-breaking, caustic, bizarre, and engaging documentaries, and we just love it. If you are in need of an "and now for something completely different" moment then VICE has you covered.

5. DJI Creator Channel

YouTube Channel DJI Creator

You may have noticed we like drones and have lots of our own commercial drone footage. That doesn't mean we don't still like to sit back and enjoy the epic drone footage of others, in fact, we do!

The DJI Creator channel with 24K Subscribers is a channel that showcases the footage made by DJI customers. It is meant to be a platform where established drone artists and DJI enthusiasts can submit their videos and share their vision.

Obviously, yes, it is kind of like a sales pitch for DJI equipment but that doesn't detract too much from the awesome drone footage you will see. We recommend you watch their 'Take Me Back to Iceland' video and 'Dream Above the Clouds'.

If you like drone footage or want to get inspired this is a channel you need to watch. It is regularly updated so you won't have to sit and pine for an update. You can be assured of a really high level and quality of the drone footage you will see here.

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