Capability Scotland Promotional

When Capability Scotland asked LA Media to film the song they had written to mark the Commonwealth Games in Scotland we  could not have anticipated how rewarding and pleasurable the whole experience of making this Capability Scotland promotional video would be for us.

The song is called “When Your Voice Is But A Whisper’ and was written by Curtis Logue with lyrical contributions from all those you see  performing in the film. Each featured performer in this Capability Scotland Promotional is seen singing a lyric they wrote themselves for the song.

Curtis worked with this group of special people, often on a one to one basis,  to help and support them gain the confidence that's required for any public performance. He recorded all the individual sound tracks at his own studio and then conducted and coached this amazing group of people through the often arduous and repetitive filming process.

The film was directed by Justin Adams and then edited by Mike Jameson (both LA Media)

Justin and Mike agreed that while it was made to celebrate the Glasgow Commonwealth Games it was also a celebration of what can be done with some time, effort and care. It was a truly beautiful experience.

If you’ve enjoyed what you have seen, give us a call on 0131 622 0220 or drop an email to [email protected]. We are always ready to chat through your project.