Edinburgh by Drone
'Edinburgh by Drone' is a 'best of collection' that features the most exciting and stunning drone shots LA Media has ever recorded in and around Edinburgh.
Researchers dug deep into the drone footage archives which LA Media started in 2012 and then Project Editor Mike Jameson (LA Media) 'cherry picked' shots from the hours of footage they had found. He went onto compose the unique music that is used and then he creatively edited together the final film.
All the shots were flown legally compliant with the CAA legislation that was current at the time of shooting. They were all flown by pilots who were PFCO qualified and held CAA certificates of approval for commercial work . LA Media production staff completed hazard assessments, notified NATS and advised local police and authorities before any of our drones flew.
CAA legal requirements have changed regularly and dramatically since 2012 and even more change is on the way for 2023. Since 2012 the laws regarding drones have become much more explicit and more stringent. The good news is that they are all clearly defined in the CAPS regulations which LA Media keeps abreast of.
LA Media has always believed that the only good flight with a drone is a legal and a safe one.