General Electric - Edge Of The World

General Electric were making a film to celebrate their harnessing of natural power to provide alternative energy sources. LS Productions in Edinburgh were engaged to provide the Production Servicing for this project and it was they who commissioned LA Media to deliver the drone shots that the General Electric creative team wanted to include in their film.

The LA Media drone team met the General Electric creative team in the Orkneys and after a brief conversation were  trusted to work independently and sent off to get shots that the drone team felt might be appropriate for the film.

The drone team invited John Adams ( Orkney resident of years) to help them in finding the best and most appropriate locations. John works as an Air Traffic Controller and pilots his own aircraft in his spare time so his local knowledge combined with his pilots-eye experience was invaluable to the team and helped them to achieve the stunning results they did.

Flying the drone out over the Atlantic Ocean, with gusting high winds and crashing waves below and doing it in an atmosphere that was filled with heavy sea spray provided the LA Media drone team with unforgettable scary moments. In the end the shots are the evidence that it was  worth all the risks involved.

The creative team from General Electric were delighted with the drone results and the final film had many of our drone team shots included.

If you’ve enjoyed what you have seen, give us a call on 0131 622 0220 or drop an email to [email protected]. We are always ready to chat through your project.