Local Energy Scotland | Net Zero

The Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES)

Commissioned by Local Energy Scotland in 2021, LA Media was tasked with creating a film that highlights the benefits of the Scottish Government's Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) and their path towards Net Zero.

Local Energy Scotland gives communities, businesses and other organisations advice and funding in all aspects of local, renewable energy. They administer the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES). CARES offers a range of financial support and advice to community groups, organisations and businesses to get local energy projects up and running. CARES also supports communities interested in shared ownership of a renewable energy project, and communities that have been approached by commercial developers regarding community benefits packages. Their advice is free and impartial, and they'll support you at every stage – from initial planning, through development and funding applications, right up to and beyond the launch. Local Energy Scotland can also direct you to other useful sources of funding and support. The goal is that communities across Scotland are engaging, participating and benefiting in the energy transition to net zero.

Find out more at www.localenergy.scot

If you’ve enjoyed what you have seen, give us a call on 0131 622 0220 or drop an email to [email protected]. We are always ready to chat through your project.