Royal Caribbean - Thrills and Spills

When LA Media were asked by Royal Caribbean to create a thrilling and dramatic action film by Frontpage PR we were told the film  was to be shown on a massive screen at the launch event for a new cruise ship that had been built by Royal Caribbean.

The brief ended with the request that the film should also somehow link to the live entrance of the CEO of Royal Carribean at the event itself.

In the film you will see an unidentifiable character (dressed 'Stig' like) trying out some thrilling experiences. Zip-lining, Racing cars, Snowboarding, and Water Surfing at night in snow were all experienced by our 'Stig'  and in the last shot of  the thrills film the 'Stig' is seen Zip-lining into a white-out screen.

It is at this point, that in the 'live' event space and in front of the prestigious audience who have just watched the film, a  'Stig" double in full costume makes an entrance. They  remove the 'Stig' costume to reveal that it is in fact the CEO himself who has arrived dressed up as the 'Stig'.

The CEO explains to the audience that what they had watched was actually him researching thrill activities to make sure that only the most exciting and thrilling experiences could be found on board their new ship.

It was a fun project and the feedback from the event was that it had gone down very well.

If you’ve enjoyed what you have seen, give us a call on 0131 622 0220 or drop an email to [email protected]. We are always ready to chat through your project.