Steady Shots

Steady shots - LA Media want to share some of the work we've done for  Broadcast and Corporate TV that  featured our highly developed skills in using a wide variety of hand held gimbals to get the shots that were wanted by some creative Directors.

In simple terms, a gimbal is a device that can stabilise the movement of your camera when the shot is on the move. There are many variants of them around in order to meet the wide ranging needs of production and the different cameras and lens combinations they want to use.

The success of getting steady shots when using a gimbal lies in having an experienced and skilled operator that can balance the equipment quickly and then operate it professionally.  But the best gimbal operators learn to walk and run in such a way that their own body movement doesn't introduce unwanted elements to the shot.

To deliver steady shots an operator must be able to do all this while carrying the gimbal, running or walking, listening to a director and keeping their eyes on the action and everything else around them  and all under the pressure of delivering a shot.

If you’ve enjoyed what you have seen, give us a call on 0131 622 0220 or drop an email to [email protected]. We are always ready to chat through your project.