World Orienteering Championship - Athletes In the Landscape

The Adventure Show  is a Scottish based production company that commissioned LA Media to drone cover the  World Orienteering Championship that was taking place in Scotland.

It was a huge challenge for the drone team to simply get to the point where they had been asked to film from and thank goodness for the 4 wheel drive Toyota which is the standard transport at LA Media.

To get a shot, a  runner had to spotted as soon as they broke cover from the forested terrain they were running through. After a runner had been spotted, the drone team had only minutes to perform a safe take off, move to where the runner was, establish the runner on camera, and then follow them with a useable shot until the runner disappeared once more into dense forrest.

At the same time the drone team had to ensure the safety of the runners by keeping a good distance between them and the drone and provide no distraction to the extremely focused runners while they ran through the 'ankle dangerous' terrain that is wilderness Scotland.

It was a great day out for the drone team that was filled with the fun moments of explosive excitement that occurred when any runner was spotted.

If you’ve enjoyed what you have seen, give us a call on 0131 622 0220 or drop an email to [email protected]. We are always ready to chat through your project.